Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate Disclosure

DIY Video Studio was founded in September 2018 to help people who want to create professional-looking and sounding videos. Those videos might be for their own websites, YouTube another one of their social media channels. We do this through publishing helpful articles on this website, producing videos on our YouTube channel and publishing short blog pieces on our other social media channels.

In addition to our published information on home or YouTube video production, we provide links to recommended video production products, video gear, and services. These links may be in the side-bar of the website or included in the body of our articles. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases that you may make by using these links.

Does our affiliate status affect our reviews or recommendations?

Absolutely not.

DIY Video studio will only recommend and provide affiliate links to products and services that we would be happy to purchase and use ourselves. In most cases, we have actually purchased the product or service before reviewing it. If we are happy with it we may include affiliate links within articles and reviews. Even if a product or service is provided to us by a third party for review, we will only provide a rigorous and honest review. The point is to provide the reader with information about great video gear that is available at a great price and quite often the best price.

As of 1 Dec 2019 we have not accepted any sponsorship deals to promote video & audio equipment or services. If we decide to do so in the future the nature of the article will be made clear. Any such piece will be identified as being sponsored. However, our writers maintain editorial independence and our sponsors or business associates do not influence our reviews, ratings, or articles.

Do we only recommend the very latest and most expensive gear?
No. Although we aim to recommend gear that will be useful and up to date, we don’t regularly write about the very latest “shiny object” for your kit bag. The reason is simple. Where possible we like to try out the kit ourselves and want to hear what other real-world users think of the product. There is little point in recommending equipment with extra premium features that will likely not be used by the majority of buyers. Quite often the medium or budget-priced version will do all that is required and represent the best value for money. This is especially true if you just want to use video to promote your business and not make professional video production your business.

Let us be clear: The content of this site may be supported financially by affiliate links, but not always. If you buy anything as a result of using one of our affiliate links you will not be charged extra but we may earn a small commission. If after buying and trying out a product you are dissatisfied and decide to return it, we will earn zero commission. So it is in our interest to be truthful about anything we recommend or review.

We would like to be here for the long term, helping our readers in the future. So by remaining committed to providing honest information that helps you, and earning a small amount of revenue along the way, we can continue to guide you along your path to making better video content. You could say we are financially incentivized to only providing you with the best content, reviews, and recommendations.

Thank you for your support, it is truly appreciated.